3 Best Indonesian Halal Stocks Based on its Dividend You Want to Know

Disclaimer: Please be advised that the information provided in this article is relevant as of the time of its composition. However, it is important to recognize that due to the periodic release of new financial reports on a quarterly basis, the status of the mentioned stocks may undergo changes. Therefore, readers are encouraged to exercise diligence and consult updated financial information before making any investment decisions.

The number of Indonesian halal stock investors is growing. If you are looking for the best Indonesian halal stocks, this article is for you.

In stock investment, the investor may probably earn the profit in capital gain and dividends. Capital gain is the investor’s profit whenever he sells the stock higher than its former price. At the same time, the dividend is a part of the company’s profit that it distributes to the shareholders.

In general, a dividend is the profit distribution to the shareholders following the share they own. As an investor of stock, you probably expect that the company will generate a high return. If the company records big profit, the company will distribute such profit to the shareholders in a dividend.

However, when it comes to the type of investor, investing in a halal stock company is crucial for Muslim Investors. It is because the company will generate profit based on permissible business activities by Islamic Law. Furthermore, such gain will be enjoyed by the investors in the form of a dividend. Eventually, Muslim investors are more comfortable investing in the halal stock.

Overall, Indonesia is one of the countries that has developed Islamic stock investment. Moreover, this development creates the increase in the number of the investor investing in halal stocks. Based on the data, the number of investors in halal stock increase more than 16%, from 531 investors in 2011 to 89,678 investors per January 2021.


Based on the statement above, this article attempts to highlight the three best Indonesian halal stocks based on their dividend.

The list of 3 best Indonesian halal stocks based on the dividend 

NoCompany’s NameCompany’ codeMarket CapitalizationDividend YieldShariah Status
1Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.INTP38.28T6.97%Compliance
2Adaro Energy Tbk.ADRO42.7T4.96%Compliance
3Telkom Indonesia Tbk.TLKM349.69T4.76%Compliance

Notes: The currency is in IDR. The data is based on 2021 data.

The dividend is essential for the investors, and the dividend ratio gives the investors the productivity of the investment. In addition, the investors consider that the company is stable based on the dividend. It is because, generally, only the company with good profit distributes the dividend to the shareholders.

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