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Halal Lifestyle

How to Do Business and Invest like Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

How to Do Business and Invest like Prophet Muhammad

To reach our financial dreams, we can’t rely just on our cash in the bank account. We know that our money in the bank will not be able to generate high profit. Besides, inflation will erode its value without us realizing it. Therefore, every financial planner always suggests their clients to have any financial instruments

How to Do Business and Invest like Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Read More »

Know These 9 Industries that Muslims Must Avoid

9 Industries That Muslims Must Avoid!

Shariah provides guidelines for the nature of the business, with a focus on religious values and social well-being. Following Islamic principles, Muslims can only deal with a company that operates in the accepted (halal) business. Muslims are prohibited from involving in businesses that directly or indirectly deal with riba and prohibited activities, such as the

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The Concept of Riba and 3 Main Consequences of Riba From Islamic Perspective

Islam forbids the adoption of interest (riba) due to the negative consequences that come with it. There is a strong bond between interest and conventional finance. Interest is the most important component of traditional finance. However, Islamic banking and finance must follow Shariah principles guided by Islamic law, which prohibit the use of interest (riba)

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How Zakat And Waqf Are Different And Similar?

Zakat and Waqf both promote giving. However, Zakat is something that is compulsory for Muslims; Waqf is a voluntary action. Waqf is a special way of giving which the gift will continuously benefit the community. Get Musaffa Premium Now  What is Zakat? Allah says, “—and perform al-salat and give zakat, and lend to Allah a goodly

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