Stock Investment Series A-Z

You can learn from basic metrics to complicated ones in this series page.

Do Valuation Measurements Need to be Done Periodically?

Halal Investment Series Part 15 Valuation measurements are ratios and models that can help investors determine how much a company is worth. Some are solely based on the company’s financial statements, while others compare the market price to the company’s per-share statistics. Typically, investors should use two or three ratios to determine how a company

Do Valuation Measurements Need to be Done Periodically? Read More »

Ways the PEG ratio can improve your investment strategy!

Halal Investment Series Part 17 The price/earnings to growth ratio (PEG ratio) is the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of a stock divided by the earnings growth rate over a given time period. Investors and analysts used this ratio to determine the value of the stock. However, it also takes into account the company’s expected earnings growth.

Ways the PEG ratio can improve your investment strategy! Read More »