Check Out These 4 Courses to Learn Halal Investment!

Halal investment courses are quite demanding nowadays. Many Muslims want to reach financial stability through investing, but many are unsure of what options they have or whether they are viable options. In today’s article, Musaffa introduces 4 halal investment courses for your reference.


1- Islamic Finance Guru: Halal Investing For Busy Professionals

At IFG, you can enjoy simplified complex conceptions. The course examines a variety of halal investing opportunities for working professionals. They have put them all through their paces; and because of their unique position, Islamic Finance Guru have their finger on the pulse of all the possibilities accessible.

They will also show how they personally invest in the stock market. They show the way they invest both directly and through some of the options in the course. By the end of the course, you should be able to comfortably begin allocating your wealth to various hands-off investments of your choosing.

2- Udemy: A Muslim’s Guide to Mastering Wealth

There are numerous publications and tools available that teach how to invest, manage money, plan for retirement, and so on. But how many of them are developed specifically for Muslims in Western countries?

This course will teach you how to grow wealth in a halal way, what investment options are available and how to get started. In addition, you can learn how to buy a home without paying interest. The course also explains how to plan for a happy retirement from an Islamic perspective.

The course information is provided in an easy-to-understand manner, and it does not imply that the student must have prior experience with investment.

3- EdX: Islamic Finance and Capital Markets

You will study several types of Islamic financial markets, as well as their fundamental features and concepts, in this economics and finance course.

You’ll also learn about the opportunities and challenges of developing Islamic banking and capital markets. There is no prerequisite expertise, however, a basic understanding of business ideas is useful.

4- Musaffa Academy

Musaffa Academy is one of the services provided by Musaffa company. Besides providing a free Islamic Finance education platform, Musaffa has launched its Halal Stock Screener. Additionally, the company is committed to providing halal investment and education for Muslims by developing a community forum. In this forum, everybody can ask and share their ideas about halal investment. The objective of Musaffa Academy is to Inspire Muslims to learn, invest, grow via halal investing and trading without compromising their values. This academy provides a wide range of knowledge on Halal Investment, Islamic Finance and excellent financial knowledge. The best thing about this academy is that Musaffa give everybody free access to read their various informative articles.

To read more about Islamic Finance related topics, please click here and visit our academy.

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