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How to Stay Hydrated During Ramadan: Essential Tips for Muslims

How to Stay Hydrated During Ramadan

As we have welcomed the holy month of Ramadan, the Musaffa team decided to share valuable tips for Ramadan. In the following, we will discuss how to stay hydrated during Ramadan. We will begin this guide by exploring some of the most common reasons why you need to avoid dehydration.


How to Stay Hydrated During Ramadan?

Water is the essence of life. It is possible that a human can survive without food for weeks. However, it is not possible without water. During the holy month of Ramadan, it is the most vital fluid for quenching your thirst. However, most people are unaware of this because they drink water to break their fast at Iftar and then forget about it till the next day!

Why Do We Need Water?

Water makes up 60-90% of our bodies. As a result, any decrease in your water intake can cause your body’s cells and neurons to malfunction. It is critical to compensate for your body’s lack of water, especially during Ramadan. Constipation, headaches, dizziness, weariness, and dry skin are all common adverse symptoms of dehydration. Dehydration can lead to more serious concerns, such as renal difficulties and seizures, so you’ll need to break your fast if you’re so dehydrated.

Water is the best drink while fasting because:

  • Other beverages contain more sugar than water, and this can result in consuming extra calories
  • To drink soft drinks too much while fasting may delay your digestion process. This results in gas, bloating, stomach pain, and weight gain problems.
How To Prevent Getting Thirsty During Ramadan?

There are endless blessings the holy month of Ramadan brings for us. However, one of the best things about Ramadan is that the month teaches us to include gratitude and sacrifice. Do not let your fatigue and dehydration control you when you are fasting, and try the following tips to stay active and fresh during Ramadan: 

Always break your fast with water

No matter what kind of region you live in during Ramdan, water is what you think of the most. Despite this, we somehow forget about the water after the first sip. Sometimes it is not easy to hold your temptation. All you have to do now is a plan and keep track of your water intake. Keep a tiny glass of water close to yourself and sit away from other beverages — you’ll grab whatever is closest to you, so make water your primary option. Remember to keep small bottles on hand or drink from small glasses to trick your brain into increasing your water intake.

Avoid spicy dishes and soft drinks.

The following essential factor of staying hydrated while fasting is to avoid excessive consumption of salty food and soft drinks. Saying no to cold beverages during Iftar is a challenging task. However, you can do two things:

To begin, cut down on your consumption of these beverages. Don’t buy too many of these drinks, and set aside only a few days each week to enjoy them. In case this idea is not helpful, try to prepare homemade beverages. Fresh juices and sherbets are excellent options.

Decrease caffeine intake

Caffeine reduction may be the most challenging advice on our list for staying hydrated while fasting. It will help you control your thirst during fasting, but it will also help you have a better night’s sleep. We found it difficult to tell you to avoid this, so we’re only advising you to reduce your caffeine intake.

You can also switch to green tea or herbal tea instead of ordinary tea or coffee for a healthier alternative.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

This one should go without saying when we talk about staying hydrated during Ramadan. Fruits and vegetables are usually high in nutrients and can help you stay active throughout Ramadan fasting. Fruits and vegetables should be a part of your suhoor and iftar meals, whether you like to eat them fresh or experiment with smoothies or fruit chaat.

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