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Stock Investment Series A-Z

You can learn from basic metrics to complicated ones in this series page.

Why Shares Outstanding are Important?

Why Shares Outstanding are Important?

What Are Shares Outstanding? Shares outstanding are shares of a company that are currently traded on the secondary market and held by all its investors. Outstanding shares include all restricted shares owned by the company’s insiders, as well as share blocks owned by institutional investors. You can find shares of a company on its balance sheet under the […]

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Know What Revenue and Earnings per Share (EPS) Tell Investors

A fundamental analyst has to go through hundreds of numbers when analyzing the company. Each of those numbers has a story that explains the company’s state. However, two metrics particularly highlight the company’s success in running the business and earning profit for the benefit of the shareholders. The two metrics are Revenue per share and

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Profitability Ratios: A Good ROA and ROE

Profitability Ratios: A Good ROA and ROE

The profitability ratios namely Return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) are the two important ratios for evaluating a company’s financial health, effective management, and performance.  Get Musaffa Premium Now  Return on Assets (ROA) Return on assets (ROA) measures a company’s profitability with its total assets. ROA can inform an investor about how effective the company

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2 Important Profitability Ratios for Financial Analysis

2 Important Profitability Ratios for Financial Analysis

What is Profitability? Profitability is an earned profit after you exclude all operating costs and expenses. In simple words, the profitability ratio helps investors determine if a company makes a decent amount of profit from its business and operations. Of course, the higher profitability ratio results are always better performance indicators. Still, these ratios need

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Why Is the Price-To-Sales (P/S) Ratio Useful to Investors

The Price-to-sales ratio is one of the most important valuations and analysis metrics for investors and analysts. The ratio presents how much investors want to pay per dollar of sales. The price-to-sales ratio (P/S) is determined by dividing a company’s market capitalization (the number of outstanding shares multiplied by the share price) by its cumulative revenue (sales)

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